
Your Investment

The exact investment costs required to open a Harry Ramsden’s franchise will vary depending on the scale and format you have planned for your region. You may wish to start with a single unit and scale up from there, or immediately launch a multi-unit operation.

As part of our initial discussions, we would ask that you work with your finance teams, or accountant, to put together a business development plan outlining your intentions for your franchise. From there, we can negotiate exact costs.

However, you can expect to pay the following franchise package fees for each concept you open:

Harry’s Full Service Restaurant


Harry’s Quick Service Restaurant


Harry’s Hut


All concepts subject to exclusivity fee.

You will need to pay an initial Intent to Proceed deposit of £5,000 (excl VAT) in order to begin the process, and this is refundable against future fees.

Set-up costs

The full cost of launching an outlet can vary a great deal depending on which concept you are launching, and the local costs of property and labour in your market. In the UK, the average costs of new store builds in 2022 was approximately £450,000 for a full service restaurant, £300,000 for a quick service restaurant, and £120,000 for ‘Harry’s Hut’.

This figures are purely for illustration purposes so that you can understand the levels of commitment involved in different concepts. Researching the exact costs of launching a restaurant in your region will fall to you as part of your process of creating a business plan, but we are more than happy to share advice and expertise based on our own experiences in international locations.

We are more than happy to share more detailed financial information with you should you decide to proceed further.