
Revenue & Costs

Potential Revenue

Exact figures on turnover, profit and loss will vary greatly from region to region depending on local factors such as pricing, property values, legal fees and labour costs. For this reason, accurate financial projections for your proposed territory are not possible until later in the franchising process. Once a business plan has been drawn up, and relevant research into your territory has been carried out, we will be happy to help you develop more accurate projections.

However, we can share with you typical figures from our existing outlets in the UK. This are purely for illustrative purposes, but we hope they can help you understand the excellent potential for substantial returns on your investment with a Harry Ramsden’s franchise:

Concept 1
– Full Service Restaurant

Potential turnover PA: £1m – £2.5m
Potential Operating Profit: 16% – 23%

Concept 2
– Takeaway/Quick Service Restaurant

Potential turnover PA: £0.5m -£1.1m
Potential Operating Profit: 16% – 23%

Concept 3
– ‘Harry’s Hut’

Potential turnover PA: £270k – 700k
Potential Operating Profit: 18% – 23%

Ongoing costs

Other than the obvious costs associated with maintaining your outlets to the high standard of the Harry Ramsden’s brand, paying your staff, and ordering supplies, etc. there are some ongoing costs associated with our partnership:

Management Service Fee: 5% of gross sales (excl VAT)
Marketing Levy: 1% of gross sales (excl VAT)

You will also be required to commit a minimum of 2.5% of your gross sales (excl VAT) to your own local marketing efforts.