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Your Next Steps

We hope that we have shown you what a unique franchise opportunity Harry Ramsden’s can offer you.

Please take your time to assess everything carefully and make sure you have all the information you need. We are always more than happy to answer any questions that you have, and to help you understand the many benefits of us working together.

1. Register your interest

If you want to find out more about the Harry Ramsden’s Franchise, ask us a question about what’s involved, or register your interest in a territory, please take a moment to fill out the short form on this page so that we can contact you.

2. Schedule a call

The next step in finding out if this opportunity is something you’d be interested in looking into further, is to schedule an initial chat with one of our team.

3. Complete an application form

Submit a detailed application with information about you, or your organisation, as well as your proposal for the territory you are interested in.

4. Meet with us

At this point, we would like to invite you to meet our senior team, including our Head of Franchise, and COO/CEO. We can then discuss your proposal in more depth and also start to share with you more detailed and confidential information about the franchise (once you have signed an NDA). It is also the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other a little better, and to make sure that we are both happy with the idea of working together.

5. Develop your business plan

Once you have decided to proceed, and your territory has been approved by our team, now is the time to work on a more detailed business plan for your new enterprise using our standard business plan template. We recommend you consult an independent financial adviser, and/or work very closely with your financial and legal teams during this process.

This is also your opportunity to carry out all appropriate due diligence before making your final decision. There is plenty of contact with us at this stage as we help you with your research and planning, but we won’t be putting you under any pressure to sign until you are happy to do so – we want you to be absolutely ready to invest in a franchise with Harry Ramsden’s and be comfortable with your decision to move ahead.

6. Make the commitment

Once both parties are happy to work together, and have agreed on a business plan, you will need to pay a refundable deposit of £5,000+VAT signalling your Intent to Proceed. This will secure the agreed territory for 4 weeks whilst you carry out further research. You should now focus on securing the rest of the funds necessary for your investment and start looking at possible site(s). Once everyone is happy to move forward, we can sign our final agreement and begin the process of selecting, outfitting and launching your first outlet(s).

We look forward to welcoming you to the Harry Ramsden’s family!